Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Circle circle in the sand
Hand in hand we spin again
The game is simple
To stay on feet
Follow patterns intricate deep
In the sand and shore below

The first to fall is out of course!
Loss of fervour, loss of faith
The second to falter was no good
His eyes had always looked to east
Glittering strangely, they had no code

Let's spin in silence
Spin in faith
God is in the motion here
Break and it will be lost
It's hell to stop and think again

Spinning is a duty love
A legacy from mother to child
Can't you see the pattern woven?
Perfection in every skein and vein

Patterns in the sand so fixed
That even spinning feet can't change
Fit into deepened darkened grooves
It's all there, it's being done again

1 comment:

Chinmayee said...

'Follow patterns intricate deep'-
the expectations from a person set when he is born

'The first to fall is out of course! Loss of fervour, loss of faith'- this is the deviant who finds it impossible to follow the path set for him

'Let's spin in silence, Spin in faith, God is in the motion here'- this is about the notion that following tradition is sacred, status quo is sacred

'Can't you see the pattern woven?
Perfection in every skein and vein'- this is an elder telling his child (possibly a deviant child)that why do you not follow tradition, we already know what is best for you

'Patterns in the sand so fixed, that even spinning feet can't change'- We go through the motions of life and perhaps even feel alive, but its all pre-programmed